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Truth From Heaven Ministries
Truth From Heaven Ministries is a small ministry revolving around our new book Healed Well and Made Whole and the writing of weekly blog articles on healing. As God leads us to write new articles regarding healing in all aspects of physical, emotional, and inner healing they will be posted under our blog. Comments can be posted under each article, and we will respond to the comments from time to time. Our first book deals mostly with physical healing but future books and articles will dive deeper into emotional and inner healing as well. We do sell our first book on this website. All articles posted will have a pdf file link for downloading and printing. All rights are reserved by this ministry for any articles posted and may be used freely as long as we are listed as the author of the articles where ever they are used.

Healed Well and Made Whole
by Michael Garrett
Mission Statement
To decree and declare the Truth from Heaven to God’s people regarding health, healing and their other covenant rights in the atonement of Jesus Christ resulting from His death on the cross to redeem mankind.
What This Ministry Believes
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all the animals and creatures of the earth. That He created all the angels and archangels of heaven. That Lucifer later named Satan was one of Gods archangels that rallied against God along with one third of the angles of Heaven. He was kicked out of heaven to the earth by God. We believe that God created man (Adam and wife Eve) and gave them authority and dominion over the earth and all things on the earth. That man could eat or partake of any of the food or animals on the earth except of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which God forbid them to eat. That Satan tempted Eve to eat the tree’s fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That Adam also ate of its fruit not deceived but knowing what he was doing thereby committing sin against God and being obedient to Satan’s lies causing their spiritual death.
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came down from Heaven and was born of a virgin (a woman named Mary) in the flesh. That God was His miraculous Father therefore He was born without sin. That He dwelled among men and lived a sinless life. That He laid down His life by His own will being a perfect sinless man to die as a sacrifice for all the sins of mankind. That in going to the cross to die He bore the sins of all mankind in and upon His own body on the tree. The prophet Isaiah wrote about him in Isaiah 53:4-5 “Surely, He (Jesus) has borne our griefs (sicknesses) and carried our sorrows (pains); yet we esteemed (reckoned) Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” That He was whipped, wounded, tortured and died for our transgressions or sins. He descended into hell for 3 days and 3 nights from his death on the cross. By doing so he satisfied all the requirements of Heaven and of God for man’s sins. He therefore destroyed the curse from spiritual death, physical sickness and disease, poverty, condemnation etc. for anyone who would confess their sins and receive Jesus the Christ as their Lord and savior. In doing so we believe man can receive eternal life after his physical death and live with God the Father and the Son in Heaven for all eternity. We believe the Bible is the true Word of God and therefore it was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and written down by men as though God wrote it Himself. It leads man to God through Jesus His only begotten Son. We believe the only way to the Father is through His Son Jesus and that all other roads taken by man’s efforts to save himself lead to false beliefs and missing the mark thus leading to eternal death. Because of these things we believe Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life that all men must follow to receive eternal life.
By Michael Garrett January 1, 2023